World AIDS Day – 1 December 2022

Equalize Every year, on 1 December, the world commemorates World AIDS Day. People around the world unite to show support for people living with and affected by HIV and to remember those who lost their lives to AIDS. The inequalities which perpetuate the AIDS pandemic are not inevitable; we can […]

World Youth Day – 15 July

Young people are drivers of change and must be fully engaged in decisions affecting their future. Guided by the United Nations Youth 2030 strategy, I urge everyone to act for youth skills development as a priority, at the Summit and beyond. UN Secretary-General António Guterres Transforming youth skills for the […]

World AIDS Day – 1 December 2021

World AIDS Day brings together people from around the world to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and demonstrate international solidarity in the face of the pandemic. The day is an opportunity for public and private partners to spread awareness about the status of the pandemic and encourage progress in HIV/AIDS prevention, […]

Feast of the Holy Family, Year B – 2020

 We live an unusual situation and this period of pandemic is definitely upsetting. Our daily lives have been turned upside down – our ways of doing and being can no longer be what they were only nine months ago. And we are… wondering – wondering where we are going, where […]

17th Sunday of Year A – 2020

A period of pandemic… this is what we have been experiencing. The confinement imposed on us is being relaxed but we cannot do all we used to do in the past. During those months, many people have been busy with different types of activities, meaningful activities. Some people have decided […]

14th Sunday of Year A – 2020

This period we are living – that of the Covid-19 pandemic – has taken us unawares, it is certain. It has brought in its wake, all kinds of things totally unexpected. But, when we think about it, our lives are filled with things which are precisely that: unexpected. The promising […]

5th Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2020

In this period of pandemic, the prevailing mood of most people is not that of exuberant joy, and this is an understatement. Sadness, loneliness, and for some even hopelessness, characterize their days. Downcast, dejected, discouraged, would describe many people.   In the first line of this Sunday’s gospel (Jn.14:1-12) Jesus […]

4th Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2020 

The text of the gospel of this Sunday is well known (Jn.10:1-10). Many people noticing the reference will think: ‘This is the gospel of the Good Shepherd.’ This is correct… to a certain extent. In this section of the text, Jesus speaks of a shepherd in general. He will present […]

World Aids Orphans Day – 7 May

Children orphaned by AIDS are just a fraction of the problem, as millions more have been made vulnerable. Behind the statistics are millions of stories of human suffering. The AIDS crisis has a catastrophic impact on households and communities – deepening poverty and exacerbating hardships. More than 95 percent of […]