image-i-nations trésor

Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, Year A – 2020

Repeatedly, and in many ways, poets and prophets have said it: LIFE IS A JOURNEY.
The beginning of a new year is, somehow, a reminder of this.
Of course, a journey means setting out and being on the move.

Today’s gospel, on the Feast of Epiphany (Mt.2:1-12) illustrates this very clearly.
We see three men on the way, they have set out towards… the unknown.
Ready for whatever the journey has in store for them:
Joyful surprises, painful circumstances, threatening obstacles, suspicious encounters…
There may be moments of darkness, periods of questioning – it is all part of the journey.

Being on the move – we are!
So often running here and there, rushing, hurrying, always on the go.
But… a journey must have… a goal.
Setting out is meant to be towards a destination.

Moving for the sake of moving is not being on a journey.
We may be caught in a frenzy of perpetual movement but this cannot bring to a definite place –
the place we are longing to reach – that of happiness, peace of mind and heart, true serenity.

So, perhaps today’s feast reminds us that, at the beginning of a year still new,
we need to see clearly the destination we want to reach…
the place where we want to find ourselves… at the end of the year.

Or, at the end of our journey on this earth…

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image:









Feast of Epiphany, Year B

Have you ever tried to have a person do something that he, or she, does not feel inclined to do?
It is quite a… task, we know it.
One may use petition, supplication, cajoling or threatening, but a stubborn silent refusal may be all that is given as a reply!

I think that this is what the prophets of God’s people have sometimes met with.
No wonder that, at times, they used strong language to wake up their people.
Isaiah was no exception as he addresses the people of Jerusalem.

On this feast of Epiphany, his first word in today’s first reading (Is.60:1-6) is rather mild but insistent in tone: “ARISE, JERUSALEM!”
In today’s language, one may say: ‘GET UP!’

Why? Normally, a person gets up to do something, or to go somewhere.
This is the case for the Magi whom we meet in today’s gospel text (Epiphany, Year B – Mt.2:1-12).
They have risen, left their respective countries and set out on a journey.
They are not yet certain where their traveling will take them but they are on the move.

In this first week of a new year, this is somehow our situation as well.
We are on the move – the days go by, one by one, and take us with them.
We are not at all certain where the 31st of December will find us – neither the where nor the how are clear to us just yet.

But what is indeed clear and assured is: to what and with whom we are traveling.
Whether we are conscious of it or not, whatever our age and condition, our steps are taking us to God’s home – the place he has prepared for us – and our traveling companion is the one who has become, by his own choice, God-with-us.
Our steps are taking us there… if we have chosen this direction and this traveling companion.
The choice is ours… and remains so all along the way…

Source: Image: Pinterest

Note: Other texts about this feast are available at: