3rd Sunday of Lent, Year C – 2022

Do you sometimes wonder at… God’s ways? What he does can be quite astonishing… And, at times, the way he deals with us, human beings, can leave us rather puzzled. The scene presented in the 1st reading of this Sunday is indeed surprising (Ex.3:1-8,10,13-15). We see a bush burning but […]

18th Sunday of Year B – 2021

In the 1st reading of today’s celebration (Ex.16:2-4,12-15), we meet people greatly annoyed and showing clearly their discontent. They grumble about their situation and reproach their leader, Moses, for having taken them where they are. Their attitude is quite surprising: We would think they would rejoice at having been freed […]

All Saints Day, 1st November, Year A

November 1st marks the feast of All Saints’ Day. What are we celebrating on this day and what really makes for… a SAINT? Theologians and religious teachers have their own definitions and explanations. Personally, I find in the Response to the Psalm for this feast a description which I find […]

Feast of the Transfiguration, Year A *

* (This feast takes the place of the 18th Sunday of Year) The gospel of this Sunday (Feast of the Transfiguration, Year A – Mt.17:1-9) presents us with a scene that is rather unusual in the life of Jesus. It is no wonder that the apostles are startled and even […]

Feast of Mary, Mother of God, C

« I will bless them… » Our reflection for yesterday – the last day of the year – was inviting us to ‘Count our blessings’. And our celebration today, on the first day of the New Year is all about BLESSINGS. The word comes back in different texts of the liturgy. In […]