Just a few days before Christmas, many of us are rushing – hurrying to do this, to go there, to buy that. So many things to do, so many tasks to see to, so many people to contact… So much, so many – it seems a mountain to climb to […]
Mary, Mother of God
Mary, Mother of God – A woman of our race, one of us… She enabled God to become also… one of us! She tells us what it meant, from day to day.
Feast of Mary, Mother, Year A
There are attitudes which can be helpful and make life easier and more pleasant. Other ways are less conducive to growth and happiness. One of these is called: ‘Getting used to’… Of course, the repetition of certain tasks can make them easier to perform. Exercise and practice can make one […]
3rd Sunday of Easter, C
How are you doing? How are things with you? Are you managing all right? How are you faring? So many expressions that we hear repeatedly – expressions of interest in another person, expressions of concern about what is happening to him or her. They manifest to others that we care […]
Feast of Mary, Mother of God, C
« I will bless them… » Our reflection for yesterday – the last day of the year – was inviting us to ‘Count our blessings’. And our celebration today, on the first day of the New Year is all about BLESSINGS. The word comes back in different texts of the liturgy. In […]