What we see… what we do not see… It is always like this in life, is it not? We see certain things and we miss others. We perceive certain realities while we cannot distinguish others. The gospel text of this Easter Sunday made me realize this anew (Jn.20:1-9). Peter […]
Easter Sunday, Year C – 2019
We have to admit it: the world is full of things that puzzle us, daily life is rife with events that baffle us, situations abound when we cannot make sense of what is happening. Science and psychology give some clues but they are unhelpful in so many cases… We study, […]
27 December
For December 27, the liturgical calendar lists the feast of Saint John, the apostle and evangelist, the very one known as « the beloved disciple. » In the following video, he presents himself and speaks of the Master who had called him…
Easter Sunday, Year B
It may have happened to you : In a moment of candid admission, someone will say: ‘I rush all the time; my life is a non-stop running here and there. I can hardly breathe any more…’ Life can be hectic and the demands placed on us often fill our days. Speed […]
Dimanche de Pâques, année B
« Il vit et il crut. » Cela semble si facile, si clair, si simple, si évident! Non? Euh… pas exactement. Parce que, en fait, Jean n’a PAS cru ce qu’il a vu mais… ce qu’il n’a pas vu! Jean n’a pas vu Jésus ressuscité – tout ce que lui et […]
Easter, Year A
« The disciples had failed to understand… that he must rise from the dead. » (Jn.20:1-9) They had been with him for three years. They had heard him teach day in, day out. They had seen him cure so many people, even bringing dead people back to life. And yet… “They had […]