3rd Sunday of Advent, Year A – 2019

Periods of questioning…  Situations when one wonders… Events that cause bewilderment… Happenings that leave us perplexed… We all know this from experience, repeated experience, we could say. John the Baptist has gone through this as well – his cousin, Jesus, somehow brings confusion to him. So, he sends some of […]

Feast of Pentecost, Year C – 2019

Week after week, Sunday after Sunday, we are given Scripture readings to ponder over. Written in a language which is not the one of our daily conversations, it may happen that we do not grasp the full meaning of the texts. It may also be that the truth they express […]

4th Sunday of Year B

The word IMPRESSION is used in different ways and has different connotations. Someone walking in the wet sand will leave a mark, a footprint, an impression. Leaves pressed between two surfaces will also remain imprinted, or create an impression. Political figures and business executives are very keen on making a […]

2nd Sunday of Easter, Year A

As we read the gospel texts, different words can draw our attention. At one time, we may be struck by a sentence, or a certain parable. At another time, the description of a miracle, or the narrative of Jesus meeting with someone, may capture our imagination. On this 2nd Sunday […]