Reading texts of the Bible, we may be drawn by a scene or a person.
Our attention may be caught by an event or a story.
A parable or a text may speak to us in a special way.
But it happens that a single word strikes us so much that we remain pondering it.

It is the case for me with this Sunday’s gospel text (Mt.4:12-23) where we are told that
Jesus called some fishermen to follow him and
“immediately they left their nets and followed him.”
“Immediately”, no hesitation, no delay.
No waiting, no wondering, no questioning.

Most of us are not fishermen, we have obviously no boats or nets to leave.
Yet… God calls us, he calls everyone in a way that is altogether personal and unique.
We may not perceive his voice, we may not always recognize that he is the one calling…

Some people speak of a small, inner voice… an invitation to…
To do what? To be what?

This may be the moment to listen… to recognize… and to respond… immediately…

Note: Another reflection is available on a different them in French at:


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