image-i-nations trésor

World Day Against Terrorism – 11 September

The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism was established through the adoption of General Assembly resolution 71/291 on 15 June 2017. Mr. Vladimir Ivanovich Voronkov was appointed as Under-Secretary-General of the Office on 21 June 2017.

As suggested by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in his report (A/71/858) on the Capability of the United Nations to Assist Member States in implementing the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force and the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre, initially established in the Department of Political Affairs were moved into a new Office of Counter-Terrorism headed by an Under-Secretary–General.

The new Under-Secretary-General will provide strategic leadership to United Nations counter-terrorism efforts, participate in the decision-making process of the United Nations and ensure that the cross-cutting origins and impact of terrorism are reflected in the work of the United Nations.

Source: Text & Image: UN

Fair Trade Day – 13 May 2023

We here in the first world take our coffee, bananas, jeans and sneakers for granted, but there are many people in other countries that are not so lucky. Every day, tens of thousands of people in various Asian, African and South American countries – men, women and even children – work themselves to the bone in nearly unbearable conditions for pennies so we can continue to enjoy those things. However, there are many people in this world who feel that everyone deserves decent wages and working conditions, regardless of where they live, and these people have created Fair Trade Day.

Fair Trade Day is a global event that aims to draw attention to the objectives and achievements of the Fair Trade movement. The Fair Trade movement campaigns to improve the lives of workers and small producers, especially those within developing economies, by asserting their rights and raising their visibility within international trade. The movement invites consumers to participate in its campaign by choosing Fair Trade alternatives to existing products.

The History of Fair Trade Day
World Fair Trade Day was created by the the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) in 2004, though the WFTO itself came into existence 15 years earlier, in 1989. WFTO is a global association of 324 organizations in over 70 countries, and Fair Trade Day takes place on the second Saturday of May of each year, and it is an inclusive worldwide festival of events celebrating Fair Trade as a tangible contribution to the fight against poverty and exploitation, climate change and the economic crisis that has the greatest impact on the world’s most vulnerable populations.

Source: Text & Image: DAYS of the YEAR

Journée Mondiale de la Terre – 22 avril

Cet évènement a été célébré pour la première fois le 22 avril 1970. le Jour de la Terre est aujourd’hui reconnu comme l’événement environnemental populaire le plus important au monde.
Le fondateur de cet événement est le sénateur américain Gaylord Nelson. Il encouragea les étudiants à mettre sur pied des projets de sensibilisation à l’environnement dans leurs communautés. Aujourd’hui, le Jour de la Terre est célébré, à travers le monde, par plus de 500 millions de personnes dans 184 pays.

Notre planète en danger
Le 30 mars 2005, l’Unesco publiait la première évaluation des écosystèmes pour le millénaire, un rapport accablant sur l’impact de l’homme sur la planète. Au cours des dernières années, les activités humaines ont modifié les écosystèmes pour satisfaire une demande croissante de nourriture, d’eau douce, de bois, de fibre et d’énergie…
Une dégradation irréversible aux conséquences désastreuses puisque le bien-être de l’homme est menacé d’ici à quarante ans.
Un site à visiter :  Source: Texte & Image: Journée Mondiale