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Teddy Bear Day – 9 September

 Every year on September 9th, Teddy Bear Day honors one of the most cherished toys in history. This special day celebrates the stuffed animal that has brought comfort, companionship, and joy to children and adults alike for over a century.

History of Teddy Bear Day

The origins of the teddy bear date back to 1902 when President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt refused to shoot a bear during a hunting trip in Mississippi.

The incident was depicted in a political cartoon by Clifford Berryman, which inspired Brooklyn candy shop owner Morris Michtom to create a stuffed bear named “Teddy’s Bear.” Michtom sent the bear to Roosevelt and received permission to use his name, leading to the birth of the iconic toy.

Meanwhile, in Germany, the Steiff company independently developed a similar stuffed bear, which became popular at the Leipzig Toy Fair in 1903. The exact origins of Teddy Bear Day are unclear, but it has become an annual celebration to honor the beloved stuffed animal.


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International Lynx Day – 11 June

June 11th is known as International Lynx Day. Lynx is the biggest wild cat in Europe. Each one of them displays a distinct coat pattern, and so it’s possible to differentiate a lynx from another! Nine thousand specimens are found across central European forests thanks to reintroduction programs that began in the 1970s.

Two species live in Europe, the Eurasian lynx and the Iberian lynx, whose original population became extinct in the past because of hunting and habitat loss. WWF Central and Eastern Europe promotes public awareness regarding large carnivores, wolves, brown bears and lynx, vital for the ecosystem.


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World Tiger Day – 29 July

The tiger is the largest of the world’s big cats and this magnificent creature, with its distinctive orange and black stripes and beautifully marked face, has a day that is dedicated to it. This was first celebrated in 2010 and was founded at an international summit that had been called in response to the shocking news that 97% of all wild tigers had disappeared in the last century, with only around 3,000 left alive.

Tigers are on the brink of extinction and International World Tiger Day aims to bring attention to this fact and try to halt their decline. Many factors have caused their numbers to fall, including habitat loss, climate change, hunting and poaching and Tiger Day aims to protect and expand their habitats and raise awareness of the need for conservation.

Many international organisations are involved in the day, including the WWF, the IFAW and the Smithsonian Institute.  

Source: Text: DAYS of the YEAR   Image: Wikipedia