image-i-nations trésor

Feast of All Saints – 1st November

We celebrate today the feast of all the saints – those well known and those perhaps not as familiar to us.
As we remember this particular saint, and that other, and others still,
we may stop thinking of them and start looking at our own lives.

And as we do, we may think that… we are not as holy as they are.
Not as patient, as humble, as prayerful, as faithful to God.
Not as generous, not as…
and our list gets longer mentioning all the qualities that we believe make a saint.

We may become dispirited and discouraged,
all the while forgetting the most important: what WE ARE.
The text of the 2nd reading says it clearly:

“Children of God! … that is what we are!
We have been created in God’s image – an image that cannot be erased or obliterated.
But… it can be damaged, the face of God in us can be… defaced,
yes, when we refuse to behave as his children.
But this is NOT the end of the story, God is always ready to restore his image in us.

There are people especially skillful in picture or image restoration.
A famous painting or a family picture may have been damaged but can be restored.

I personally believe that God’s Spirit present in us is a specialist in… image restoration!
The text of the 2nd reading goes on with these words:
What we will be has not yet been made known.
But we know that… we shall be like him.”   (1 Jn.3:1-3)

We are, in fact, saints-in-the-making, nothing less!


Note: Another reflection on a different theme in French can be found at:


Source: Images: The New Daily

Feast of All Saints, Year A – 2020

We celebrate today the feast of all the saints – those well known and those perhaps not as familiar to us.
As we remember this particular saint, and that other, and others still,
we may stop thinking of them and start looking at our own lives.

And as we do, we may think that… we are not as holy as they are.
Not as patient, as humble, as prayerful, as faithful to God.
Not as generous, not as…
and our list gets longer mentioning all the qualities that we believe make a saint.

We may become dispirited and discouraged,
all the while forgetting the most important: what WE ARE.
The text of the 2nd reading says it clearly:

“Children of God! … that is what we are!
We have been created in God’s image – an image that cannot be erased or obliterated.
But… it can be damaged, the face of God in us can be… defaced,
yes, when we refuse to behave as his children.
But this is NOT the end of the story, God is always ready to restore his image in us.

There are people especially skillful in picture or image restoration.
A famous painting or a family picture may have been damaged but can be restored.

I personally believe that God’s Spirit present in us is a specialist in… image restoration!
The text of the 2nd reading goes on with these words:
What we will be has not yet been made known.
But we know that… we shall be like him.”   (1 Jn.3:1-3)

We are, in fact, saints-in-the-making, nothing less!

Note: Another reflection on a different theme in French can be found at:


Source: Images: The New Daily

7th Sunday of the Year, A

During our Eucharistic celebration, when the time comes for the readings, we sit down, find a comfortable position, put our belongings in place, we may adjust one item of clothing or another – then we are ready to… listen.

This preparation may have extended to the beginning of the first reading causing the first lines to… escape our notice. If so, we may have missed the very important second verse of the 1st reading for today (7th Sunday of the Year, A: Lev.19:12-17-18).

The text says:
“Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy.”

 To be holy – really?
To be a saint? Me!
How can this be?
What does it require?

Does it mean: Being without fault, without weakness of any kind? Not really…
Does it imply: Not to be self-centred, or short-tempered? This can help, but…
Does it demand: Not to fail in anything, not to fall short of the Christian ideal? It is part of it, but…

Today’s gospel (Mt.5:38-48) gives us clear guidelines:
“Offer the wicked man no resistance.
If anyone hits you on the right cheek, offer him the other as well.
If a man would have your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.
If anyone orders you to go one mile, go two miles with him.
Give to anyone who asks or wants to borrow.
Love your enemies.
Pray for those who persecute you.
In this way you will be children of your Father in heaven.”

This is the reason, this is the purpose, this is the aim…

Something we are in constant need to learn and to practise –

just like the first Christians to whom the apostle Peter was repeating the words of today’s first reading.

Source: Images: www.;   Wild Men of God