We celebrate today the feast of all the saints – those well known and those perhaps not as familiar to us. As we remember this particular saint, and that other, and others still, we may stop thinking of them and start looking at our own lives. And as we do, […]
Feast of All Saints, Year A – 2020
We celebrate today the feast of all the saints – those well known and those perhaps not as familiar to us. As we remember this particular saint, and that other, and others still, we may stop thinking of them and start looking at our own lives. And as we do, […]
7th Sunday of the Year, A
During our Eucharistic celebration, when the time comes for the readings, we sit down, find a comfortable position, put our belongings in place, we may adjust one item of clothing or another – then we are ready to… listen. This preparation may have extended to the beginning of the first […]