A change of… perspective – this is what we sometimes need… Looking at something from another angle… Taking a slightly different view of a situation… Considering a problem from another viewpoint… This change may lead to a completely different outlook and influence our attitude in a more positive way. This […]
25th Sunday of Year C – 2022
Looking at a scene, different people will appraise the situation in different ways. This thought came to me after reading the gospel text of this Sunday (Luke 16:1-13). Some comments refer to it as the parable of: ‘The Dishonest Manager’, while others give it the title: ‘The Crafty Steward’. The […]
22nd Sunday of Year A – 2020
Last Sunday, the gospel text showed us Peter being praised by Jesus – praised for recognizing him as he is, the Christ. But in today’s text, far from being congratulated, Peter is reprimanded in no uncertain terms! (Mt.16:21-27) “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you […]
13th Sunday of Year C – 2019
There are things we are so used to that, somehow, we take them for granted. This is the case, I think, for the Apostles of Jesus – we know very well that there were 12 of them. And it is as if this number were, in a way, ‘sacred’ – […]
17th Sunday of Year B
Let us say that you go to borrow from your neighbour some cooking oil to cook a dish. Does it happen often that instead of giving you the small amount you ask for, the neighbour gives you a much larger quantity? Or, if a man goes to a colleague to […]