image-i-nations trésor

6th Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2023


Promises are important statements, often heavy with meaning.
We usually expect someone trustworthy to carry out what he/she has promised.

And when the promise is spoken by… God, we cannot but rely on his words.
One such statement is made by Jesus in today’s gospel text (John 14:15-21).
He says:

“I shall ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate.”

An ‘Advocate’, our modern minds may think of a lawyer.
The different translations of the Bible rather speak of:
“A counselor, a comforter, a protector, a defender.”
The Spirit of Jesus and the Father is all of this for us.

A counselor who shows us the way, who guides us in times of choices and decisions.
A comforter who provides strength in difficulties, consolation in painful situations.
A protector shielding us from danger, guarding us from threats.
A defender from those whose menace to harm us in different ways.

This is what the Spirit is, yes, or rather… what he wants to be if… we allow him to be so for us…
God does not force himself on us, he respects the freedom he has given us.
His Spirit wants to be welcomed in our lives…


Another text is available on a different theme, in French at:


Source: Image: Scripture Images


33rd Sunday of Year C – 2019

People sometimes say that poets and prophets have a way with words.
This expression means that poets and prophets have the gift of stirring up our imagination.
They offer us… visions!
Yes, they enable us to see things we had not perceived, or to see familiar things in a new way.

This is the case with Prophet Malachi that we meet in the 1st reading of today’s celebration (Mal.3:20 or, 4:2)
His message offers us the image, more still, the promise of God’s coming to us.
Coming to us like the welcome warmth of the sun – a sun that brings HEALING. 
“The sun of righteousness will rise
with healing in its wings.”

Healing… who among us does not need it?
Healing of some physical condition that causes suffering for too long…
Healing of some psychological trait of our personality that can be made less disturbing…
Healing of some memories of the past that are crippling our present…
Healing of some addiction that enslaves us and distorts our relationships with people…

It is offered to us, offered by the One who is always ready to heal in a way beyond expectation,
beyond even what the wildest imagination can suggest.

And, long ago, he has promised:
“Whoever comes to me I will never drive away. (Jn.6:37)
It is a promise, HIS promise.

Note: Another reflection is offered on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image:



32nd Sunday of the Year, C

the-catholic-catalogue”I promise you, I will…” A promise – we may be the one speaking the words. Or, someone else may be assuring us that he will do something for us, she will carry out something on our behalf. If the person speaking is trustworthy, we can hope that we will get what is promised. If he or she is reliable, we may expect that we will obtain whatever we have been told would be done or given.

What if the promise is given by… God? Yes, God makes promises, amazing promises, wonderful promises – so wonderful that we may think that… it is too good to be true. On the other hand, a promise made by God not being fulfilled is… unthinkable!

The 1st reading of this Sunday (32nd, Year C: 2 Maccabees 7:1-2,9-14) shows us people who have been “relying on God’s promise,” and this to the point of waging their life on it! The book of Maccabees tells the story of seven brothers (we meet four of them in this text ) who are faithful to God to the point of death because they are absolutely convinced that they will live again.

Yes, in this text of the Old Testament we see appearing this extraordinary belief in an afterlife. The second brother says it clearly: “The King of this world will raise us up… to live again for ever.” The words of his brother, the fourth one to speak, proclaim the same faith: “Ours is the better choice, to meet death at men’s hands, yet relying on God’s promise that we shall be raised up by him.”

 We could say that this Sunday presents us with… a matter of life and death – a serious matter if ever there was one! And the promise of God is reaffirmed by Jesus himself when challenged by the Sadducees (gospel reading Lk.20:27-38): “God is the God of the living; for the him all men are in fact alive.”

 Are we, alive? Really so? And are we convinced that we can be alive beyond death, if only we rely on God’s promise? It is, indeed, a matter of life and death!

Source: Image: The Catholic Catalogue