The gospel texts have much for us to learn, to reflect upon, to be inspired and to be challenged by. But at times, there are some texts which are also giving us some comfort and encouragement. It can be a series of verses, but it can also happen that only […]
3rd Sunday of the Year, A
‘Turn on the light,’ – it is an expression that we hear very often. All the more so in this mid-January period when the clouds seem to be ever present and darkness more obvious in the mornings and evenings. The solution is close at hand: we switch on the electric […]
27th Sunday of the Year, C
If I mention the name ‘Habakkuk’ and if I add that he was a prophet, many people may not question my words but they will wonder about the identity of this man of God. He is the author of the text of our 1st reading on this Sunday (27th, Year […]