1st Sunday of Lent, Year A – 2020

To see in order to know – this is a very human desire, a normal aspiration for human beings. The 1st reading (Gn.2:7-9; 3:1-7) speaks about it and reveals the outcome of this natural inclination. The result is shown in a two-fold tableau, could we say. “The serpent said to […]

4th Sunday of Lent, Year B

When told that something is free, or at a big discount, some people will rush to benefit from the offer. Others may be more suspicious wondering whether this is a genuine bargain or not. Could it be that we react in a similar way when what is on offer is… […]

32nd Sunday of Year A

What do you see on this black and white picture? No, no, this question is NOT meant to be a psychology test. Its aim is to illustrate the theme of our reflection on the 1st reading of this Sunday (32nd Sunday of Year A – Wis.6:12-16). We will try to: […]

1st Sunday of Lent, Year A

  We are all familiar with the use of magnets. A mechanic finds very useful a screwdriver with a magnet to gather screws and bolts. A seamstress also sees as very practical her scissors with a magnet to pick up pins scattered on the floor. And many of us have […]