Our lives are woven with all kinds of relationships: family, relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues. There are also the specialists we are referred to, or the technicians who fix things for us. Our relationship with each one of them can be very different. Some neighbours may become friends, but we […]
6th Sunday of Year A – 2023
You may have overheard a conversation when, suddenly, one of the speakers said: “It’s a matter of life and death.” You knew immediately that they were speaking about some serious matter. In life, there are situations which are that important and we are aware of it. The 1st reading of […]
32nd Sunday of Year C – 2022
In today’s gospel text, we see a group of Sadducees and we are told that they “say there is no resurrection.” They want to set a trap for Jesus to say something which will lead them to challenge his teaching. So, thinking themselves clever, they make up a story – […]
33rd Sunday of Year B – 2021
Every week, a new reflection appears here on the texts given to us for the Sunday celebration. Most times, the text presented refers to one of the three readings assigned for the day. Today, we will rather look at the Psalm (Ps.16:1,5,8-11) used as a response to the 1st reading. […]
17th Sunday of Year A – 2020
A period of pandemic… this is what we have been experiencing. The confinement imposed on us is being relaxed but we cannot do all we used to do in the past. During those months, many people have been busy with different types of activities, meaningful activities. Some people have decided […]
15th Sunday of Year A – 2020
There is a proverb that says: “There is no deafness worse than that of the one who does not want to hear.” Jesus’ words as he concludes his parable in this Sunday’s gospel text (Mt.13:1-23) could be addressing this condition: He says: “He who has ears to hear, let him […]
6th Sunday of Year A – 2020
I can’t do do this. I’m not able to do that. It’s too much for me. I just can’t… Children sometimes reply in this way to parents who tell them to do something. The young people may want to avoid an unpleasant task. They may try to escape a challenging […]
Christmas, Year A – 2019
Note: Another reflection is available on a similar theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/fete-de-noel-annee-a-2019/ Source: Image: churchofgod.org
24th Sunday of Year B
When the word ‘GOD’ is pronounced, several images can come to the minds of different people. Each person has, in some way, his or her own God. Of course, everyone claims it is the ‘true’ God, yet he is perceived in many ways. Is it a question of choosing the […]
21st Sunday of Year B
Making choices, taking decisions… Not easy when the choice is … Someone, and when the decision is for a lifetime! This is the situation we see in the 1st reading of this Sunday (21st Sunday of Year B – Jos.24:1-2.15-18) where the people of Israel are told by their leader, […]