image-i-nations trésor

World Social Communications Day – 29 May 2022

Instituted at the initiative of the Catholic Church, at the end of Vatican Council II, the day of social communications manifested at the time the awareness of the social issues (moral and spiritual) that represented the means of communication of the mass.

To say that the situation has changed for 40 years is obvious, and the fact that you read this manual directly on your computer quickly makes you aware of how far you have come. The theme chosen for World Social Communications Day in 2011 was “Truth, proclamation and authenticity of life in the digital age”. In 2013, she is interested in social networks. In 2014, it focuses on “Communication at the service of a genuine culture of meeting”.

Every year, the Holy See publishes a message on the occasion of this day, to be found directly on the official website of the Vatican. 

Source: Text:   Image: Depositphotos

Here are a few paragraphs from Pope Francis’ message for this year:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Last year we reflected on the need to “Come and See” in order to discover reality and be able to recount it beginning with experiencing events and meeting people. Continuing in this vein, I would now like to draw attention to another word, “listen”, which is decisive in the grammar of communication and a condition for genuine dialogue.

In fact, we are losing the ability to listen to those in front of us, both in the normal course of everyday relationships and when debating the most important issues of civil life. At the same time, listening is undergoing an important new development in the field of communication and information through the various podcasts and audio messages available that serve to confirm that listening is still essential in human communication.

A respected doctor, accustomed to treating the wounds of the soul, was once asked what the greatest need of human beings is. He replied: “The boundless desire to be heard”. A desire that often remains hidden, but that challenges anyone who is called upon to be an educator or formator, or who otherwise performs a communicative role: parents and teachers, pastors and pastoral workers, communication professionals and others who carry out social or political service.

Listening with the ear of the heart

(…) We all have ears, but many times even those with perfect hearing are unable to hear another person. In fact, there is an interior deafness worse than the physical one. Indeed, listening concerns the whole person, not just the sense of hearing. The true seat of listening is the heart. Though he was very young, King Solomon proved himself wise because he asked the Lord to grant him a “listening heart” (cf. 1 Kings 3:9).

Source: Text:



World Fish Migration Day – 21 May

Global awareness raising event

World Fish Migration Day (WFMD) culminates every two years in a global celebration to create awareness about the importance of migratory fish and free-flowing rivers. This international day of events is coordinated by the World Fish Migration Foundation. On World Fish Migration Day, organizations from around the world coordinate their own event around the common theme of: CONNECTING FISH, RIVERS AND PEOPLE. And this year it’s all about breaking free.

After a year of lockdowns, we all want to break free. With millions of man-made barriers littering the world’s waterways, migratory fish do too! This year we want to celebrate the hundreds of dam removals executed and planned in recent years, and encourage fish heroes far and wide to advocate for free flowing rivers, the removal of barriers, and the return of rivers full of fish! Let’s Break Free!

Source: Text: World Fish Migration Day     Image: RiverWatch

International Jazz Day – 30 April 2022

World Jazz Day: India’s Astonishing Links With the Music Genre International Jazz Day is celebrated every year around the world on 30 April. This day is observed to promote Jazz and raise awareness about its significance.

As per the official website of the United Nations (UN), Jazz is recogniSed for promoting peace, dialogue among cultures, diversity, and respect for human rights and human dignity, eradicating discrimination, promoting freedom of expression, fostering gender equality, and reinforcing the role of youth for social change.

On International Jazz Day, people from all around the globe come together to celebrate this important art form, learn about its roots, history, impact, and future.

International Jazz Day 2022 Theme

The theme for International Jazz Day 2022 is ‘A Call for Global Peace and Unity’. It focuses on the importance of unity and peace through dialogue and diplomacy.

International Jazz Day Quotes

“If you have to ask what jazz is, you’ll never know.”   ― Louis Armstrong

« Life is a lot like jazz… it’s best when you improvise. » – George Gershwin

« Jazz to me is a living music. It’s a music that since its beginning has expressed the feelings, the dreams, hopes, of the people. » – Dexter Gordon

« Diplomacy is like jazz: endless variations on a theme. » – Richard Holbrooke

« Jazz is about being in the moment. » – Herbie Hancock

« That’s the thing about jazz: it’s free-flowing, it comes from your soul. » – Billy Crystal

“Jazz washes away the dust of everyday life.” – Art Blakey

Source: Text & Image: The Qwint World

World Intellectual Property Day – 26 April 2022 

The 26th of April is celebrated as World Intellectual Property Day, which aims to raise awareness of the value of intellectual property (IP).

World Intellectual Property Day 2022:  Every year, on April 26, people throughout the world celebrate World Intellectual Property Day. The purpose of the day is to create public awareness about the importance of intellectual property rights, including patents, copyright, trademarks, and designs. Societies all across the world employ intellectual property (IP) rights to foster innovation and creativity.
This year World IP Day puts innovation and supports the efforts to create a green future. It is a need to care for our earth our home. Initiated by the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO), it aims to enhance innovation and creativity through IP. It is also known as World IP Day.
Source: Text: ZeeNews  Image:

World Kidney Day – 9 March 2023

About the Day

World Kidney Day is a global campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys.

World Kidney Day comes back every year. All across the globe many hundred events take place from public screenings in Argentina to Zumba marathons in Malaysia. We do it all to create awareness. Awareness about preventive behaviors, awareness about risk factors, and awareness about how to live with a kidney disease. We do this because we want kidney health for all.

World Kidney Day is a joint initiative of the International Society of Nephrology  (ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations (IFKF).

Our Mission

World Kidney Day aims to raise awareness of the importance of our kidneys to our overall health and to reduce the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide.

Our Objectives

  • Raise awareness about our “amazing kidneys” Highlight that diabetes and high blood pressure are key risk factors for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
  • Encourage systematic screening of all patients with diabetes and hypertension for CKD.
  • Encourage preventive behaviours.
  • Educate all medical professionals about their key role in detecting and reducing the risk of CKD, particularly in high risk populations.
  • Stress the important role of local and national health authorities in controlling the CKD epidemic. On World Kidney Day all governments are encouraged to take action and invest in further kidney screening.
  • Encourage Transplantation as a best-outcome option for kidney failure, and the act of organ donation as a life-saving initiative.


Source: Text & Image:

World AIDS Day – 1 December 2021

World AIDS Day brings together people from around the world to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and demonstrate international solidarity in the face of the pandemic.

The day is an opportunity for public and private partners to spread awareness about the status of the pandemic and encourage progress in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care around the world. It has become one of the most widely recognized international health days and a key opportunity to raise awareness, commemorate those who have died, and celebrate victories such as increased access to treatment and prevention services.

On 1 December 2021, WHO is calling on global leaders and citizens to rally to confront the inequalities that drive AIDS and to reach people who are currently not receiving essential HIV services.


Source: Text: WHO  Images:

World Oceans Day – 8 June 2021

« Love ocean, he will not betray you. »

On June 8, the entire world comes together for the largest water body surrounding us, which is the ocean. It is an important part of our earth as it provides us with water, the most integral element that we need in our daily lives.

However, over the years, the oceans have to bear the brunt of man-made destruction. From industrial waste to throwing unwanted litter, its degradation is destabilizing the earth’s dynamics with its natural resources that will lead to an eventual and unfortunate end.

Therefore, it becomes all the more important to save the oceans around the world.

World Ocean Day History

This was first suggested in 1992 during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. The aim behind this was to not only celebrate the vast water body and its benefits in our lives but also to raise awareness about what can be done to make it a part of sustainable development. On December 5, 2008, a resolution was passed by the UN General Assembly to designate this day.

World Ocean Day Significance

UNESCO states that this day is observed to remind everyone that oceans are the lungs of our planet. Awareness is raised about how to conserve it and rescue it from the eventual degradation that is caused by our careless activities. Therefore, World Ocean Day is celebrated for this reason all across the world.

World Ocean Day Theme

This year, the theme of World Ocean Day is ‘The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods’. Owing to the pandemic, all the celebrations today will happen virtually.

World Ocean Day Quotes

  1. “Faith is knowing there is an ocean because you have seen a brook.” —William Arthur Ward
  2. « No water, no life. No blue, no green. »- Sylvia Plath
  3. « There is going to be no life. We are going to save our oceans. On the occasion of World Oceans Day, Let us join hands to save them. Happy World Oceans Day. »
  4. « You will love the ocean. It makes you feel small. But not in a bad way. Small because you realize you’re part of something bigger. »- Lauren Myracle
  5. Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time. – H. P. Lovecraft
  6. .Being out there in the ocean, God’s creation, it’s like a gift he has given us to enjoy. – Bethany Hamilton
  7. To me the sea is a continual miracle; The fishes that swim–the rocks–the motion of the waves–the ships, with men in them. What stranger miracles are there? – Walt Whitman


Source: Texte:    Image:

4th Sunday of Easter, Year B – 2021

It happens that, all of a sudden, two children start quarreling while each one claims:
“My father is stronger than yours.”
Or, “My father is more clever than yours, he can do this and that…”

We smile at such a behavior and we understand clearly that what is at stake is
the child’s pride at being the son, or the daughter, of that father who is so strong, so clever!

The 2nd reading of this Sunday (4th Easter Sunday, year B) is very short (1 John 3:1-2).
Yes, the text of John’s first epistle given to us has only two verses but they express an amazing message.
They invite us to become aware of who we are.

“Beloved, now are we the children of God.”
Probably, most of you reading these lines have been baptized long ago.
Has it ever happened to you, even only once, that you said to yourself:
I AM the child of God?
Have you ever had this experience of a sudden flash of awareness prompting you to exclaim:
“But it is true, I AM God’s son, God’s daughter!”?

If you have, I would venture to think that you still remember that occasion as a blessed experience.
This Sunday may be a good moment to recapture this graced happening and… repeat it with renewed thanksgiving to HIM – your Father…


Note: Another reflection on a different theme is available in French at:


 Source: Image: Inspirational Bible Verse Images – Knowing Jesus

3rd Sunday of Advent, Year B – 2020

“You did not see this!” or “Did you not hear that?”
“You have not done this?” or “You have not been there!”

Whether in the form of a question, or an exclamation, many people do not like to be addressed in this way.
Somehow, they perceive such words as an accusation, an indication that they have missed something.
And… perhaps they have indeed missed something…
They may have missed out on something they would have greatly benefitted from!

In today’s gospel (Jn.1:6-8,19-28), we meet John the Baptist with the people sent to question him on his true identity.
Having denied that he is any of the prophets or God’s special messenger, he tells them:

“There stands One among you whom you do not know.”

Enigmatic? Perhaps.
Prophetic? Certainly
It is an invitation to become aware of a presence – the presence of one as yet unrecognized.

This is the very invitation addressed to us in this period of Advent.
No matter how long we have been Christians, there is a permanent need to become more aware of this presence.
A permanent need to discover anew who is this God who constantly comes to us… at times, in some unlikely disguises!
A need, an invitation to know him more deeply from day to day… among us…
Note: Another reflection on a different theme is available in French at:

Source: Images: BibleAsk    Free Bible Images

5th Sunday of Easter, Year C – 2019  

Nowadays, technology has changed things, of course.
But at the end of the year, in the not-so-distant past, we used to see such advertisement in the doors of shops.
Business was temporarily stopped to make a list of the remaining commodities and see what needed to be bought for the coming year.
New stocks were ordered, or not renewed, according to the outcome of this important activity: an inventory.
And, for this operation, the shop was CLOSED.

Strangely enough, this memory came back to me with the text of the 1st reading of this Sunday (Acts 14:21-27).
Speaking of Paul and Barnabas, the last verse tells us:

“They assembled the church and gave an account of all that God had done with them.”
To me this is an invitation to… make an inventory of a special kind with the clear sign: OPEN!
Open our awareness,
open the treasure of our memories,
open our daily experience, to uncover what is hidden there!

Have you ever made such an inventory – of all that God has done with you?
All that God has done in you, for you, through you…
I think that you may be quite surprised with the outcome.
It may be an experience providing you with some astonishing discovery.
And it may give you much encouragement…

All too often, we take for granted much of what God does for us and, yes, with us.
This Sunday may be a good occasion to have a look again at our daily life and activities and…
see from a different perspective what may lie behind the obvious.
A rewarding exercise of… ‘stock taking’!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:

Source: Images: Owler   Pexels