Usually, most people look for things that are genuine, ‘the real thing’, they say. The also want to relate to people who are authentic, they despise any form of pretense. And of course, they easily detect what is ‘fake news,’ or doubtful information. It is real appreciation when it is […]
Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, Year C – 2022
It is recorded that Niels Bohr, a brilliant physicist told the no less brilliant Einstein : « Einstein, stop telling God what to do. » It seems that we, human beings, often give in to the temptation of doing exactly that: telling God what to do! We see the apostles doing this […]
20th Sunday of Year A – 2020
Praying… an activity which always finds us in need to learn – to learn how to approach God and, of course, what to say when we are in his presence. Bookshops and libraries are full of material published precisely to guide us with methods and advice about praying. Many spiritual […]
4th Sunday of Advent, Year A – 2019
Do you have in your life some… ‘wingless angels’? You smile, but they can be very REAL! We are used to the representation of old showing us cherubim and seraphim angelic messengers. It was the imagery of ancient times and it has made its way up to our days. The […]
1st Sunday of Advent, Year A – 2019
Many people resent being told what to do! And… we know that the giving of advice is not always welcome. Of course, much depends on who gives the advice! During the period of Advent starting today, the Scripture readings often remind us about living with careful attention. We are told […]
16th Sunday of Year A
There is so much that is wrong in our world today, is it not so? The powerful bring suffering to the weak. The selfish – legions of them – grab all they can. The rich keep adding to their share while the poor have to manage on what they can […]
4th Sunday of Lent, Year A
Strange things happen among us, people. Something good can be done for someone and the person who benefits from the good deed is penalized for it! It should not surprise us – this is what happened already in the time of Jesus. We see it in today’s gospel on […]