In 1987, during a reunion of members of WGNRR (Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights) in Costa Rica, May 28 was declared as International Day of Action for Women’s Health. Since then, May 28 has been internationally renowned and activities are held worldwide by women’s and health groups. In 1999, it was officially recognised by the government of South Africa.

May 28 is a special day on which the women’s health takes a center stage. It is therefore an occasion to celebrate the gains for women’s health as well as remind to the Ministries of Health, ruling presidents, governors, parliamentarians, as well as internationals agencies and for-profit companies of their commitments to women’s health and rights.

Also it has been the platform for campaigning for advocating and advancing for the recognition of the concepts of sexuality, sexual rights and reproductive rights and health frameworks at national, regional and international level. Examples of the successful of thousands of voices been sound together during this day are the recognition of the International Day by different governments, agencies and civil society around the world.

Each year, WGNRR collaborates with its members and partners on a call for action around a pressing SRHR issue. They are disseminated to all members and partners, some of whom then translate the materials into their working or local languages. These materials are used to raise awareness and to complement campaign activities. The campaign culminates on the commemoration of the International Day of Action for Women’s Health.

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