I have a treasure. No, I am not afraid it will be stolen for it does not hold any silver or gold, nor any valuable currency. What I keep therein is a whole collection of texts and quotes – texts and quotes from many people, some long dead, others alive in our world, all over the world. Today, I want to share one such text with you. It was published in Living with Christ ( the English version of Prions en Église). It was published for Christmas  1980. At the time, Fr. Jerome Herauf wrote:

« God is ‘at home with us’. People travelling, or exiled from their native lands, long to be home again. This same expectant feeling may have grown on us during our Advent days. Recently, I was delighted to read a prominent theologian speculate that God felt the same way about being with us that first Christmas. He longed to be ‘at home’ with us. The more I have thought about this since, the more it has affected my own understanding about us, about Christmas and even about God himself. God is at home with us because he wants to be! And therefore could we not want rather than fear to be with him? »

Mary-and-Joseph on the way, www.lds.org

Mary and Joseph would not be home for Christmas. They were among what we call nowadays the IDP – Internally Displaced People – on the way to a major city and soon to become refugees in another country. The new-born child was taken to safety by his parents fleeing to escape violence and possible death. He knew early on in life what is the lot of so many people in our world today.

Today, we remember all those who find themselves in such a situation – exiles, refugees –  faced with insecurity, anxiety, lacking the basic necessities of life, and not knowing what the future has in store for them . . .

Source: Image: www.lds.org

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