A stone rolled away…
A corpse… missing…
“Strips of linen lying there”…
Cloth wrapping the body “still lying in its place”…
All these are seen, noted, but…
No body lying there, NOBODY present!
Yet, the gospel text tells us that when John had witnessed this scene,
“He saw and believed.” (John 20:1-9)
Daily events…
Regular meetings…
Occasional encounters…
Ordinary situations…
Unexpected happenings…
Unusual occasions…
Overheard conversations…
Surprising details…
Which of these?
All of these?
At times… sometimes… could be… will be… the signs that could lead us
to make the personal experience that John made.
We will see and believe.
We will NOT see any body – not ANYBODY – but we will perceive a presence.
We will recognize the Risen Lord with us as surely as he was 21 centuries ago!
Note: And another reflection, on a different theme, is available in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/dimanche-de-paques-annee-c-2022/
Source: Image: christianity.com
Merci pour ces textes qui m’ont guidé avec sagesse, à travers cette Semaine Sainte!
LA Sagesse… c’est Lui! Merci, Teresa, de votre présence fidèle sur cette plateforme…