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Invisible Work Day – 3 April

Invisible work, it counts!

In 2001, AFEAS in Canada set up the invisible work day and ever since, throughout the world, the first Tuesday of April has become a symbolic day.

What is invisible work? Invisible work, unpaid, consists of all of the work done within the family and voluntary work done in the community, whatever the status of the person.

How to make invisible work visible? The recognition of the value of invisible work will improve the status of those who do it, generally women as mother and carers, without forgetting all forms of voluntary work in schools, hospitals, old people’s homes, sports clubs and various associations…

In 2010, it’s difficult to understand the lack of recognition and support for men and women whose contribution to their family and the community is judged essential for its development and survival? How can we mark this day?

Source: Text: cms.horus.be/ Image: YouTube



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