In a text, it happens that a single sentence, a short reflection, or even one word, may give an unexpected inspiration.
It may be expressed in simple language, it could pass unnoticed but, if we pay attention to it, we may suddenly be struck by its meaning.

This is what happened when I read the 1st reading of today’s celebration (1 Samuel 3:3-10.19).
The young Samuel living in the temple has heard God’s voice for the first time.
The story of this night call ends with the words:

“Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him,
and let none of his words fall to the ground.”

Reading the text in this translation (repeated by different authors), we could understand that Samuel was attentive to every word God spoke to him.
He was sensitive to God’s messages to him whenever they came, from whatever source.

But another translation (CSB – Christian Standard Bible) of the same text says:
Samuel grew. The Lord was with him, and he fulfilled everything Samuel prophesied.”

A third translation (GW – God’s Word) tells us:
Samuel grew up. The Lord was with him and didn’t let any of his words go unfulfilled.”

Here, it is God himself who cares that the messages Samuel addresses his people – in God’s name, of course – these messages are fulfilled.

What I find especially inspiring is the close interaction of God and the young man he has chosen as his messenger.
Could it not be that God wants the same close interaction with each one of us?

Perhaps we could retain the twofold possible meaning of the text and commit ourselves to faithfully keep every word of God to us.
And then, rely on God’s own commitment to us!


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Image: The Bible Illustration Blog




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