www-pinterest-comIf I mention the name ‘Habakkuk’ and if I add that he was a prophet, many people may not question my words but they will wonder about the identity of this man of God. He is the author of the text of our 1st reading on this Sunday (27th, Year C – Ha.1:2-3; 2,:2-4). On hearing his message, we might think we hear the words of Jeremiah. Like him, Habakkuk is somehow admonishing the Lord for the message given to him to speak to his people.

The very first line of his text says: “How long, Lord, am I to cry for help while you will not listen?” Have you ever been tempted to address these words to God? You did not dare… You thought it may lack respect, you said to yourself that it was an unworthy kind of prayer, and yet…

Had you done so, you may have received the same answer that God gave his prophet as he said: “The vision will come, it does not deceive; it if comes slowly, wait, for come it will without fail.”

Next time you are tired of waiting for God to do something. In fact, whenever you have doubts that he will do anything for you… just remember the prophet with the strange-sounding name and… the bold prayer words!

Source: Image: www.pinterest.com

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