The reflection on the texts of our celebration is usually focused on one of the readings.
But today it is centered on a verse of the Psalm used as a response to the 1st reading (Psalm 116:1-6,8-9).

“I will walk in the presence of the Lord”.

This is an inspiring decision as a guide for the whole of my life.
Walking in the presence of God, walking with him…

– Listening to him
– Following his inspiration
– Moving at the rhythm he sets
– Adopting the values he proposes
– Leaving aside the useless, the unimportant
– Relying on him for all I need
– Trusting him in all situations
– Daring to surrender all of my life to him…

The text of the Psalm has much to sustain my attempts to live in this way, assuring me:

“The Lord listens to my prayer,
He bends down to listen to me when I call.
The Lord defends the simple,
he saved me when I was brought to my knees…
He has rescued me from death,
my eyes from tears and my feet from stumbling”.

All reasons supporting my resolve, indeed:

“I will walk in the presence of the Lord”.


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


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