We are in constant need of correction of our thoughts and images about God… Yes, an ongoing need to adjust to God being… the kind of God he is! Today’s Psalm (Psalm 40) can help us to do this. Two verses are especially helpful: “The Lord inclined to me, and […]
International Youth Day – 12 August 2022
International Youth Day is commemorated every year on 12 August, bringing youth issues to the attention of the international community and celebrating the potential of youth as partners in today’s global society. The idea for International Youth Day was proposed in 1991 by the young people who were gathered in […]
World Lion Day – 10 August
World Lion Day on August 10 aims to raise awareness about the plight faced by lions. Scientifically known as ‘Panthero Leo,’ lions are one of the most well-known popular animal species out there. They are called the ‘Kings of the Jungle’ due to their arresting and fearsome personalities created by […]
Journée Internationale des Populations autochtones – 9 août
En 1994, l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a décidé de faire du 9 août la Journée internationale des populations autochtones (résolution 49/214), chaque année pendant la Décennie internationale des populations autochtones. Cette date marque le jour de la première réunion du Groupe de travail sur les populations autochtones de la […]
19è dimanche de l’année C, 2022
Les images de Dieu – chacun/e a les siennes. On dit souvent que Dieu étant invisible, on ne peut l’apercevoir ni se faire une image de ce qu’il est. On s’en remet à des idées… souvent abstraites, et à des concepts qui tentent de décrire sa ‘personnalité’ mais… on a […]
19th Sunday of Year C – 2022
The 2nd reading of this Sunday speaks of people and events long gone (Hebrew 11:1-2,8-19). The people involved and their experiences may seem distant and strange to us and yet… Yet, what is described in this text has a message that is very relevant to us in our own time. […]