“It is too good to be true!” – no doubt, you have heard these words as well as I have.
Some people do not want to be seen as naive, or gullible, believing easily any piece of good news.
They are not trusting easily the messengers of happy tidings.

Strange – and sad to say – some will even doubt THE… ‘good news’!
The good news of who God is and what he wants to be for us.

It is true that he goes far beyond what we could expect or even dream of.
This thought comes to me as I read again the words of today’s response
to the 1st reading (Ps.91:1-2,10-15) where God himself says:

“I rescue all who cling to me,
I protect whoever knows my name,
I answer everyone who invokes me,,
I am with them when they are in trouble.”
“All… Whoever… Everyone…”
No restriction, no limits, no qualification or credentials required.
No past experience or achievement of any kind.
One and all are acceptable to this God of ours –
a God who is waiting, always waiting for our return to him.

This is what Lent is about, is it not?
To return and to REMIND ourselves of this amazing truth…
When it is God who speaks, is it not too good NOT to be true!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/1er-dimanche-du-careme-annee-c-2019/

A short video is also available on this theme in French: https://youtu.be/cpfWC7eed1A

Source: Image: Kozman


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