Of all the prophets we are familiar with, Jeremiah may not stand out as a prophet of… joy!
He is well-known for his Lamentations!

Yet on this 1st Sunday of Advent his message is a reassuring one (Jer.33:14-16).
He tells us who our God is as he speaks of him as:

“The Lord-our-integrity”.
Is it not encouraging to know that the integrity we strive for is ours… in the Lord?
The perfection we make efforts to achieve is… a given!
The holiness we are told we should aim at is offered to us –
it is being fashioned in us by God himself!

Of course, we must strive, and make efforts, and do our best,
but all of this in order to welcome God-our-integrity.
This is the true meaning of Advent!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/1er-dimanche-de-lavent-annee-c

Source: Image: Chabad.org

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