It has been said that more than food, drink, or rest, what a human being needs is meaning.
What is most necessary, in life, is a sense of direction, a purpose for living.
The statistics about suicide given in the media support this affirmation.

This thought came to me as I read the gospel text of this Sunday (Mark 6:30-34).
In the scene presented to us, we see Jesus concerned about his apostles.
As they return from their teaching tour, Jesus is aware that they need to rest for a while.
To rest and to eat, because people are coming to listen to Jesus in such great numbers that his apostles have no time even to eat.

With them, Jesus crosses the lake to a lonely place, but the crowd has guessed their intention and meets them there.
Seeing these people in search of him, Jesus perceives their need:
the need to hear from him the words that give meaning to their existence.
They have discovered that his message gives a sense of direction to their daily life.

They, who are “like sheep without a shepherd” have found in Jesus the Shepherd who can guide them to what they want to be and to become.

If we think seriously about it, what all of us need, is it not a reason to live and… a reason to die?…


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


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