Pope’s Message for the World Day of the Sick: Hope strengthens us in times of trial

In his Message for the 33rd World Day of the Sick, Pope Francis says God remains close to those who suffer, through encounter, gift, and sharing. Meanwhile, the solemn celebration of the World Day, which normally takes place every three years, is postponed until 2026.

By Christopher Wells

In his Message for the 33rd World Day of the Sick, Pope Francis grapples with the profound questions that confront those who are suffering and those who care for them. “How can we be strong when our bodies are prey to severe, debilitating illnesses that require costly treatment that we may not be able to afford?  How can we show strength when, in addition to our own sufferings, we see those of our loved ones who support us yet feel powerless to help us?”

Although true hope “does not disappoint,” and in fact “strengthens us in times of trial,” this confidence can often prove perplexing in real situations of suffering. “In these situations,” the Pope says, we sense our need for a strength greater than our own. We realize that we need God’s help, His grace, His Providence, and the strength that is the gift of His Spirit.”

The Holy Father goes on to invite the faithful to reflect on three particular ways God remains close to those who are suffering: “encounter, gift, and sharing.”

Source: Text & Image: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2025-01/pope-on-world-day-of-the-sick-hope-strengthens-us-in-trials.html

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