Amyloidosis is the name for a group of rare, serious conditions caused by a build-up of an abnormal protein called amyloid in organs and tissues throughout the body. The build-up of amyloid proteins (deposits) can make it difficult for the organs and tissues to work properly.

Source: Text:

Second World Amyloidosis Day

The Amyloidosis Alliance and worldwide patients organization has created an International Day of Awareness dedicated to this rare disease, with different participating countries throughout the world.
The objective of this World Amyloidosis Day is to alert the world about the diagnostic delay that patients face, which averages 4 years.
Faster diagnoses and better quality treatment can only be achieved by more widespread knowledge of the disease.
Our campaign is aimed at all: health authorities and professionals, pharmaceutical companies, scientists, associations, etc. Let’s be the link to supporting patients and their loved ones.
Source: Text:    Image: Journée mondiale

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