
Greetings to each and everyone of you.

This section for English-speaking viewers –
and all those enjoying the culture –

has developed over the months and is now offering materials of all kinds:

texts, images, poems, videos, etc.

It will continue to provide you with rich contents week after week.


The impossible dream…


The celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany are now behind us. We are moving back into ‘ordinary time’… which is NOT so ordinary! As I was reflecting on this, the melody of a well-known song came back to my mind. It is that of The Impossible Dream from the film The Man of La Mancha.

You may wonder how this happened? Well, I had just come across a short text and the link was made – naturally! This is the text:

« Christianity holds that the infinite God, in the person of Jesus, at a point in time, crossed an unimaginable borderline and personally entered history. Before such an undreamable dream the intellect falters. It was a this point that a friend gave me a clue that helped my understanding more than any measure of bare reason. He sais: ‘But love does such things’. »

Source: Text: Mark Link, s.j., He Is the still Point of the Turning World, p. 25   Pic: www.pinterest.com



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