The Alphabet of Lent – Letter W

W for Wonder There are words which, while having the same spelling, can have different meanings. This is the case with the word: WONDER. One can be wondering in the sense that he/she is asking questions about a certain thing. He is wondering about the truth of a statement, while […]

7th Sunday of Year A – 2023

Reading the word of God in the Bible, one can experience all kinds of feelings: joy and consolation, hope and anticipation, wonder and questioning, regret, perhaps… or helplessness?… But there are times when the feeling is one of surprise – total and unexpected amazement! The first lines of today’s 2nd […]

Feast of Mary, Mother, Year A

There are attitudes which can be helpful and make life easier and more pleasant. Other ways are less conducive to growth and happiness. One of these is called: ‘Getting used to’… Of course, the repetition of certain tasks can make them easier to perform. Exercise and practice can make one […]

Terrorist attacks

Paris, Bamako, violence and terror: we wonder, we worry… Awful, terrible, inhuman – we lack words to describe the reality. France, Mali, Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Libya, Yemen,  Afghanistan, Palestine… The litany could go on and on… Yes, we wonder, we worry and… and we search for answers. […]