Monday, 5th Week of Lent, Year B

Today, the gospel text is that of the Woman caught in Adultery. The text is found in the gospel of John (John 8:1-11). This scene offers a unique perspective on Jesus’ attitude to those in need of forgiveness.   In the following video, Jeannie Calavrias personifies the woman in a […]

A woman caught and… freed

On this Monday of the 5th week of Lent, the gospel text offers us a scene that is familiar to us. We are given to meet with the one known as: ‘The Woman Caught in Adultery. » Jeannie Calavrias, who personifies her, tells us of her personal experience.  

She saw death in the face…

She had been seen, caught and… she was aware that there was only one issue possible in her situation… Death by stoning, this is what was awaiting her… But then, it was as if her life was given back to her when she met… the Man of Nazareth.

5th Sunday of Lent, C

The past… OUR past… We can live in the past, with nostalgia… We can cling to the past traditions and customs… We can try to bury the past in forgetfulness… We can try not to face the past because of it being too shameful or painful… The 1st and the […]