Feast of Pentecost, Year A – 2023

People think about God… and they talk about God… Some ask the question whether God exists… Others wonder about him… Who is he really?… Professors explain his attributes with expertise, Scripture scholars search ancient documents to know more about him, as they should… Theologians teach about his nature and his […]

18th Sunday of Year C – 2022

Belongings, possessions, riches – all items referring to one’s property. They describe things of value acquired by someone. Houses, cars, jewels, come immediately to mind, but many more ordinary or unusual items could also be mentioned! The author of today’s 1st reading (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23) had his own detailed list […]

28th Sunday of Year B – 2021

Daydreaming can bring someone to wish for all kinds of things – The things that Royalty and wealthy people can have already: power and privileges, gold, silver, and precious stones. And sometimes, health and beauty are added to this rich mixture!   In today’s 1st reading (Wisdom 7:7-11), we meet […]

3rd Sunday of Lent, Year B – 2021

The Scripture texts offered to our reflection for Sundays and Feast days come in different… ‘attires’. Some interesting, some encouraging, some quite challenging. The 2nd reading of this Sunday gives us a short text of the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians (1 Cor.1:22:25). According to me, the message […]

7th Sunday of Year A – 2020

Most people like to be seen… at their best! In general, people want to have a reputation that can bring them praise. We like to be known for our good qualities, our generous actions, our inspiring attitude in any given situation. We wish people to appreciate who we are and […]

5th Sunday of Year A – 2020

Language – of whatever nation or tribe – is made of words: short words, long words, simple words, difficult words. They are uttered, spoken, whispered, proclaimed, sung or shouted – we cannot escape them. They take on different shades of meaning according to the way they are used – in […]

14th Sunday of Year B

 An author of spiritual books (Gerard W. Hughes) has published one under the title: The God of surprises. His reflections are pertinent and helpful. After reading it, I was thinking to myself: ‘Were I to write a book of spiritual reflections, I would give it the title: The God of… […]

Feast of Mary, Mother of God, 1st January, Year B

At times, we think that to understand God’s words and ways we need long studies and much wisdom. Wisdom? Yes, but not necessarily the one coming from intellectual achievement! The wisdom of ordinary people, of ‘simple folks’, as they are sometimes referred to, is closer to genuine insight. The gospel […]

Feast of the Holy Family, Year B

‘Intergenerational’ – this is the ‘in-word’ nowadays! People use it in all kinds of situations: reports about prevailing trends in society speak about it; architects and builders offer us new ‘intergenerational’ houses; even people of our liturgical team invite us to ‘intergenerational celebrations’. It is interesting to note that today’s […]

World Day of Nursing Assistants – 26 November

Nursing Assistants: Specialists in the Art of Caring Because they remain in care-giving positions, Career Nursing Assistants provide predictability and stability to care, which in turn enhances the feeling of security for our aging, frail or chronically challenged population. Career Nursing Assistants also bring wisdom, patience, humor and a general […]