International Plastic Bag Free day – 3 July

HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL PLASTIC BAG FREE DAY For most of our history, single-use products were blasphemous. But through the end of the Industrial Revolution and into the modern era, plastic became a cheap and plentiful resource. Plastic bags are just one perfect example. From birth to ban, the history of […]

World Environment Day – 5 June

« On World Environment Day, the message is simple: reject single-use plastic. Refuse what you can’t re-use. Together, we can chart a path to a cleaner, greener world. » — Secretary-General, António Guterres Humans are both creatures and moulders of their environment, which gives them physical sustenance and affords them the opportunity […]

World Day of Biodiversity – 22 April

Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism This theme has been chosen to coincide with the observance of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development as proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in its Resolution 70/193 and for which the United Nations World Tourism Organization is providing leadership. Biodiversity, […]

World Oceans Day – 8 June

The ocean is the heart of our planet. Like your heart pumping blood to every part of your body, the ocean connects people across the Earth, no matter where we live. The ocean regulates the climate, feeds millions of people every year, produces oxygen, is the home to an incredible […]