29th Sunday of Year B – 2024

Some years ago, I read a book entitled The God of Surprises. * Today, I ask myself whether a book has ever been written under the title of: The God of Paradoxes! This thought came to me as I read today’s gospel text (Mark 10:35-45). The two apostles, James and […]

14th Sunday of Year B – 2021

  Those who study the history of religions usually describe in detail their origin, the beliefs of different groups, their rituals, and the practices of their followers. They present the attributes of the deity, or god, often referred to in the plural as there are many supernatural beings invoked.   […]

3rd Sunday of Lent, Year B – 2021

The Scripture texts offered to our reflection for Sundays and Feast days come in different… ‘attires’. Some interesting, some encouraging, some quite challenging. The 2nd reading of this Sunday gives us a short text of the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians (1 Cor.1:22:25). According to me, the message […]

14th Sunday of Year B

 An author of spiritual books (Gerard W. Hughes) has published one under the title: The God of surprises. His reflections are pertinent and helpful. After reading it, I was thinking to myself: ‘Were I to write a book of spiritual reflections, I would give it the title: The God of… […]

Christmas, Year A

Proverbs often have much wisdom encapsulated in a few words. They convey the popular wisdom which has much to tell us about life and situations. At one time or another, you may have heard this saying: “There is more to it than meets the eye.” Looking at a situation, observing […]

5th Sunday of the Year, C

You would smile hearing a father tell his young son: “Danny, I want to catch a big fish; will you help me?” Smile, you would also seeing a young girl with a grin as her mother said: “Today I need your help to cook lunch!” We all know that neither […]