V for Voice The voice of a person is something very particular. The intonation, the pronunciation, the rhythm – everything is characteristic of this individual. There are voices which are soft, warm, comforting, seducing… And there are others which are… completely the opposite! Even in the distance, the voice of […]
34th Sunday of Year B, Feast of Christ the King – 2021
He came, long ago, but some still speak about him. What he said, what he did, what he taught, how he related to people. It was said that: “Nobody ever spoke like this man” (John 7:46). He was… different, yes, everyone could see this, different yet… There was something […]
Feast of the Transfiguration, Year A *
* (This feast takes the place of the 18th Sunday of Year) The gospel of this Sunday (Feast of the Transfiguration, Year A – Mt.17:1-9) presents us with a scene that is rather unusual in the life of Jesus. It is no wonder that the apostles are startled and even […]