About May Day/Labor Day Inspired by ancient Greek festivals like the Anthesteria, May Day was originally a celebration of spring and the rebirth taking place in nature during that time of the year. Traditionally, May Day is characterized by the gathering of flowers and the fertility rite of dancing around […]
Le jour du Souvenir – 11 novembre
Le jour du Souvenir (en anglais Veterans Day, Remembrance Day ou Poppy Day), aussi connu comme jour de l’Armistice, est une journée de commémoration annuelle observée en Europe et dans les pays du Commonwealth pour commémorer les sacrifices de la Première Guerre mondiale ainsi que d’autres guerres. Cette journée a […]
International Workers’ Day – 1st May
The eight-hour movement to reduce the working day from 10 to eight hours began after the Civil War. It was a major aim of the National Labor Union, whose first congress met in 1866. By 1868 congress and six states passed an eight-hour legislation. In 1884 the National Federation of […]