image-i-nations trésor

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage – 27 October

Audiovisual archives tell us stories about people’s lives and cultures from all over the world. They represent a priceless heritage which is an affirmation of our collective memory and a valuable source of knowledge since they reflect the cultural, social and linguistic diversity of our communities. They help us grow and comprehend the world we all share. Conserving this heritage and ensuring it remains accessible to the public and future generations is a vital goal for all memory institutions as well as the public at large. The UNESCO Archives has launched the project « Digitizing our shared UNESCO history » with this very goal in mind.

The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (WDAH) is a commemoration of the adoption, in 1980 by the 21st General Conference, of the Recommendation for the Safeguarding and Preservation of Moving Images. The World Day provides an occasion to raise general awareness of the need to take urgent measures and to acknowledge the importance of audiovisual documents.

In this way, the World Day also serves as an opportunity for UNESCO’s Member States to evaluate their performance with respect to implementing the 2015 Recommendation Concerning the Preservation of, and Access to, Documentary Heritage, Including in Digital Form.

Source: Text & Image:

World Book and Copyright Day – 23 April

By championing books and copyright, UNESCO stands up for creativity, diversity and equal access to knowledge, with the work across the board – from the Creative Cities of Literature network to promoting literacy and mobile learning and advancing Open Access to scientific knowledge and educational resources. With the active involvement of all stakeholders: authors, publishers, teachers, librarians, public and private institutions, humanitarian NGOs and the mass media, and all those who feel motivated to work together in this world celebration of books and authors, World Book and Copyright Day has become a platform to rally together millions of people all around the world.

Books, in all their forms, allow us to learn and to keep ourselves informed. They also entertain us and help us to understand the world, while offering a window into otherness.

For books to be able to unleash their full potential, it is essential that they reflect the linguistic diversity of our world. That is why, as part of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL), launched in 2022, UNESCO is supporting the publication of books in both Indigenous and regional languages.


Source: Text & Image:

World Art Day – 15 April

World Art Day, a celebration to promote the development, diffusion and enjoyment of art, was proclaimed at the 40th session of UNESCO’s General Conference in 2019.

Art nurtures creativity, innovation and cultural diversity for all peoples across the globe and plays an important role in sharing knowledge and encouraging curiosity and dialogue. These are qualities that art has always had, and will always have, if we continue to support environments where artists and artistic freedom are promoted and protected. In this way, furthering the development of art also furthers our means to achieve a free and peaceful world.

Each year, on 15 April, World Art Day celebrations help reinforce the links between artistic creations and society, encourage greater awareness of the diversity of artistic expressions and highlight the contribution of artists to sustainable development. It is also an occasion to shine a light on arts education in schools, as culture can pave the way for inclusive and equitable education.


Source: Text & Image:

World Radio Day – 13 February 2024

Radio: A century informing, entertaining and educating

World Radio Day’s theme in 2024 shines a broad floodlight on Radio’s remarkable past, relevant present and promise of a dynamic future.

Looking Forward to Radio’s Next Century 

The opportunity provided by the 100-year-plus milestone of Radio begs to be trumpeted at full volume. The century is an occasion to proudly celebrate the medium’s extensive virtues and ongoing potency. It comes at an opportune time, as Radio – though statistically popular and enormously trusted by the public – faces increased challenges to audience and revenue numbers from digital platforms, pervasive social media, digital and generational divides, the headwinds of censorship and, for some media, stifling consolidation-induced debt as well as economic hardships exacerbated by a soft advertising market.  

UNESCO invites the worldwide Radio industry in all its many forms – commercial, public, non-profit – to join in this global celebration of the medium at this special and pivotal juncture in its century-spanning journey.

The 2024 observance highlights:

The indelible history of Radio and its powerful impact upon news, drama, music, sports … 

The ongoing utilitarian value of Radio as a relatively free and portable public safety net during emergencies and power outages brought on by natural and human-made disasters such as storms, earthquakes, floods, heat, wildfires, accidents and warfare. 

The continuing democratic value of Radio to serve as a grassroots catalyst for connectedness within underserved groups including immigrant, religious, minority and poverty-stricken populations; and as an instantaneous bellwether of public opinion expressed through the auspices of free speech in the public space. 

UNESCO recognizes and understands the tremendous variety of business models and technological architecture in Radio around the world as well as the independent nature of its companies and organizations, large and small, plus the idiosyncrasies of its on-air personalities. Thus, broadcasters are encouraged to bring their own culture, style and sensibilities to their individual celebrations leading up to and during the February 13 event. 

World Radio Day is also an opportunity for radio stations to connect on-air with fellow broadcasters around the world. UNESCO invites radio stations to take the initiative for such broadcasts.

It is a remarkable achievement for a major mass communications medium to continue its relevancy past 100 years and still be a force for freedom of expression, joy and knowledge. As we proudly tell its story, let’s welcome Radio’s future in the next century.

Source: Text & Image:

International Day of Education – 24 January

The sixth International Day of Education will be celebrated on 24 January 2024 under the theme “learning for lasting peace”. 

UNESCO is dedicating the International Day of Education celebrated on 24 January 2024 to the crucial role education and teachers play in countering hate speech, a phenomenon which has snowballed in recent years with the use of social media, damaging the fabric of our societies.  

The world is seeing a surge of violent conflicts paralleled by an alarming rise of discrimination, racism, xenophobia, and hate speech. The impact of this violence transcends any boundary based on geography, gender, race, religion, politics, offline and online. An active commitment to peace is more urgent today than ever: Education is central to this endeavor, as underlined by the UNESCO Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development. Learning for peace must be transformative, and help empower learners with the necessary knowledge, values, attitudes and skills and behaviours to become agents of peace in their communities.

Source: Text & Image: UNESCO

Journée mondiale de lutte contre le SIDA – 1er décembre 2023

Chaque année, le 1er décembre, l’UNESCO se joint à l’ONUSIDA, à ses coparrains ainsi qu’à d’autres partenaires pour la Journée mondiale de lutte contre le SIDA.

Bien que des progrès considérables aient été accomplis pour mettre fin au SIDA, menace pour la santé publique, l’épidémie de VIH n’est pas terminée et les jeunes demeurent excessivement vulnérables. En 2020, 410 000 jeunes âgés de 10 à 24 ans ont été infectés par le VIH. Parmi eux, 150 000 étaient des adolescents de 10 à 18 ans. Par ailleurs, la connaissance approfondie du VIH chez les jeunes demeure beaucoup trop faible, seulement un sur trois en ayant une connaissance précise.

L’éducation complète à la sexualité (ECS) est indispensable pour permettre aux jeunes de se protéger contre le VIH. Elle les aide également à éviter les grossesses précoces et les autres infections sexuellement transmissibles, les encourage à s’informer sur les services en matière de santé, promeut les valeurs de tolérance, de respect mutuel et de non-violence dans les relations amoureuses, et favorise une transition sûre vers l’âge adulte.

L’action de l’UNESCO dans le domaine de l’éducation au VIH, en particulier ses priorités stratégiques visant à améliorer l’accès à une éducation complète et de qualité à la sexualité et à rendre l’éducation sûre et inclusive, constitue une part essentielle de la réponse mondiale au SIDA. L’UNESCO aide les autorités et les partenaires nationaux de l’éducation à renforcer les curricula qu’ils ont déjà mis en place et à adapter les contenus et les méthodes à leur contexte local.


Source: Texte:     Image: L’ARCHE de l’Estrie

World Olive Tree Day – 26 November

World Olive Tree Day was proclaimed at the 40th session of the UNESCO General Conference in 2019 and takes place on 26 November every year.

The olive tree, specifically the olive branch, holds an important place in the minds of men and women. Since ancient times, it has symbolized peace, wisdom and harmony and as such is important not just to the countries where these noble trees grow, but to people and communities around the world.

Conserving and cultivating the olive tree is a growing imperative as the world combats and adapts to climate change. The protection of cultural and natural heritage, including landscapes, is at the heart of UNESCO’s mission and marking World Olive Tree Day reinforces environmental sustainability efforts.

The aim of World Olive Tree Day is to encourage the protection of the olive tree and the values it embodies, in order to appreciate its important social, cultural, economic and environmental significance to humanity.


Source: Text:    Image:

Journée Mondiale de la science au service de la paix et du développement – 10 novembre 2023

Les représentants des communautés scientifiques à travers le monde animent de nombreuses manifestations et discussions à l’occasion de la célébration de la Journée mondiale de la science au service de la paix et du développement.Décidée par la Conférence générale de l’UNESCO à sa 31ème session, la Journée mondiale de la science au service de la paix et du développement est un événement annuel célébré pour rappeler l’engagement pris à Budapest à l’occasion de la Conférence mondiale sur la science, organisée par l’UNESCO en coopération avec l’ICSU en 1999. La Journée a pour objectif de sensibiliser l’opinion publique à l’importance de la science et de combler le fossé entre la science et la société.
Un site à visiter :    Source: Texte: Journée mondiale
Le champ de la science est immense. Chaque année, la Journée mondiale de la science au service de la paix et du développement permet de rappeler l’importance et la pertinence de la science dans la vie quotidienne, mais aussi d’insister sur la nécessité de faire participer le public aux débats sur les questions scientifiques émergentes.En rapprochant la science de la société, la Journée mondiale de la science au service de la paix et du développement vise à faire en sorte que les citoyens soient informés des développements scientifiques. Elle met aussi en lumière le rôle que les scientifiques jouent dans notre compréhension de la planète, système remarquable et fragile, et dans la consolidation de nos sociétés. Cette journée offre l’occasion de mobiliser tous les acteurs – des responsables gouvernementaux aux médias, en passant par les étudiants – autour d’un thème scientifique en faveur de la paix et du développement.

Thème 2023 : Renforcer la confiance dans la science

La science ne peut assumer pleinement son rôle dans l’élaboration de notre avenir collectif que si elle suscite la confiance. En effet, c’est la confiance dans la science qui alimente le développement et l’application de solutions fondées sur des preuves pour résoudre les défis multiples de notre monde. La confiance dans la science est une question complexe. Elle affecte comment les scientifiques travaillent ainsi que la manière dont la science est perçue par la société. En outre, renforcer la confiance dans la science renforce également les décisions politiques fondées sur la science et le soutien de la société à leur application.

Source: Texte: https: & Image//

Journée mondiale de la langue Kiswahili – 7 juillet

Journée mondiale de la langue Kiswahili

Cette journée a été décrétée par l’Unesco, suite à la résolution 71/328, en date du 11 septembre 2017 et portant sur le multilinguisme.Mais pourquoi la langue Kiswahili ?

Dans les années 50…

Oui, dans le précédent millénaire !

L’ONU avait alors créé « l’Unité de la langue kiswahili » au sein de la Radio des Nations unies, faisant du kiswahili la seule langue africaine présente au sein de la Direction de la communication globale de l’ONU.

Message de la directrice générale de l’Unesco

Le kiswahili est l’une des langues les plus utilisées de la famille africaine, et la plus parlée en Afrique subsaharienne. Il fait partie des 10 langues les plus parlées au monde, avec plus de 200 millions de locuteurs. Cette langue est l’une des langues véhiculaires de nombreux pays d’Afrique orientale, centrale et australe, ainsi que du Moyen-Orient. Elle est également enseignée dans les principales universités et écoles supérieures du monde en général.

Cela méritait bien une journée mondiale !

Un site à visiter :     Source: Texte & Image: Journée mondiale

World Kiswahili Language Day – 7 July

In the 1950s the United Nations established the Kiswahili language unit of United Nations Radio, and today Kiswahili is the only African language within the Directorate of the Global Communications at the United Nations. The United Nations General Assembly, through its resolution 71/328 of 11 September 2017, on multilingualism, welcomed implementation of a day dedicated to each of its official languages in order to inform and raise awareness of their history, culture and use, and encouraged the Secretary-General and institutions such as UNESCO to consider extending this important initiative to other non-official languages spoken throughout the world.

In that regard, the 41st session of the General Conference of UNESCO adopted resolution 41 C/61 that recognized the role the Kiswahili language plays in promoting cultural diversity, creating awareness and fostering dialogue among civilizations and noted the need to promote multilingualism as a core value of the United Nations and an essential factor in harmonious communication between peoples, which promotes unity in diversity and international understanding, tolerance and dialogue. The resolution proclaimed 7 July of each year as World Kiswahili Language Day. Kiswahili is the first African language to the recognized in such a manner by the UN.


Source: Text:    Image: UN