On June 3, World Bicycle Day targets individuals as a way to promote a healthy lifestyle, especially for those with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Organizers also target local governments to encourage them to improve road safety and integrate bicycling into transportation infrastructure planning and design. Bicycles and the […]
World Bicycle Day – 3 June
For many of us, riding a bicycle without training wheels is the first challenging physical activity we ever learn how to master. We all remember, don’t we? A running start. The protective hand secured to the bicycle seat is released. And then — ZOOM! — the child is off and […]
World Bicycle Day – 3 June
BRUSSELS, Belgium – The worldwide promotion of cycling has entered an all new phase now the United Nations has declared June 3rd as International World Bicycle Day. The resolution, discussed on 12 April 2018 at the 72nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly, was adopted by a consensus of […]