World Day for Responsible Tourism – 2 June 2022

Every year on June 2nd is the World Day for Responsible Tourism. This year’s theme (9° edition of the World Day for Responsible Tourism) is communication and marketing. Sustainable tourism should become mandatory, experts say. Yet many non-profit organizations and NGOs denounce the green-washing of the big multinational corporations of the tourism. There is a big difference […]

World Oceans Day – 8 June

2017 Theme: “Our oceans, our future” The oceans cover about two-thirds of the surface of the Earth and are the very foundations of life. They generate most of the oxygen we breathe, absorb a large share of carbon dioxide emissions, provide food and nutrients and regulate climate. They are important […]

International Day for Biological Diversity – 22 May

The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. Mainstreaming Biodiversity; Sustaining People and their Livelihoods Biodiversity is the foundation for life and for the essential services provided by ecosystems. It therefore underpins peoples’ livelihoods and sustainable […]