“God needs help!” If you saw this caption in a magazine about spiritual reflections, or biblical matters, you may smile and… turn the page, saying this is not serious. Yet, it is truly deep theology, authentic understanding of who God is indeed. The gospel texts of Luke and Matthew bear […]
5th Sunday of Year B
It is practically every day that we are told: “Don’t forget – don’t forget to go there, to buy this, to call so-and-so.” Or, more positively expressed: REMEMBER – remember to do this, to collect that, to pay the bills, etc. Yes, people around us repeatedly call our attention to […]
2nd Sunday of Advent, Year B
Some theologians have said that philosophy is the handmaid of theology. In other words, some philosophical reflection can lead to a deeper understanding of some aspects of the faith. I personally think that the same can be said of psychology. Again, I am inclined to believe that a better knowledge […]