I for Invitation Invitations – we receive all kinds of them. In times past, we used to receive them in the mail, or someone brought them to us. Nowadays, the emails and social media bring them to us with an amazing frequency! Invitation to join a group. Invitation to take […]
Peter, the apostle, shares his life experience…
The gospel texts of the 21st and 22nd Sunday of the Year (A) have allowed us to meet with Peter, the apostle. He is a special character among the group of the Twelve chosen by Jesus to be his followers and friends. In the following video, Peter shares what his […]
Someone interesting to meet…
The gospel texts of this 2nd week of Easter give us to meet someone interesting. His name is Nicodemus. A pharisee, he is a man searching for answers. He decides to approach the Man of Nazareth. Personified by John de Souza, let us follow him as he meets the […]
27 December
For December 27, the liturgical calendar lists the feast of Saint John, the apostle and evangelist, the very one known as « the beloved disciple. » In the following video, he presents himself and speaks of the Master who had called him…
A woman, a pagan…
She was a woman, a pagan woman, looked down upon and despised by the Jews. She was not put off nor discouraged by a silent or verbal refusal – the Syrophoenician woman knew better than to give up asking!… A reflection on this gospel can be found at: http://image-i-nations.com/20th-sunday-of-year-a/
20th Sunday of Year A
I know a young man called William who was looking for work. It is not easy nowadays to find a job when so many are being laid off. He went to a Bank but was not lucky. He then contacted an Insurance Company but was not accepted. A bookshop did […]
John, the beloved disciple
John had been with the Master for some 3 years now. He knew him as only someone very close to him could know him. He had seen him in all kinds of situations… He tells us about it.