image-i-nations trésor

1st Sunday of Lent, C

Looking at the gospel for this 1st Sunday of Lent, someone said :  “Oh, it’s the 1st the Sunday of Lent : it’s ‘Temptation Sunday’! ”
To which the other person in the room, without lifting his eyes from the newspaper, replied: “Well, for me its… ‘Everyday, Temptation Day’!”

Jesus_Lent_desert, www.piercedhearts.orgSarcastic? Pessimistic? Not really, rather… realistic. Is it not true that every day brings its share of… yes, temptation? 
But what is a temptation if not a test? A test of what I am, what I can do, what I can become.

The threefold temptation of Jesus is meant to illustrate this.
Was he going to choose the easy way out?
Was he going to cut corners? as we say.
Was he going to rely on himself or on God?

Our own temptations may not come in the manner which Jesus has lived his, but they will be a similar experience.
We may receive them under familiar expressions:

‘What’s the use? I’ve tried so often…’
– ‘I’ll do this tomorrow…’
– ‘I just can’t, it’s too much for me!’
– ‘It’s good enough as it is!’
– ‘If only I were another kind of person…’

This fight against the easy-going stance, the selfish attitude – this daily struggle is well known to us all.

But have you ever thought that a temptation may not always be a choice between what is good and what is bad but… a choice between the good and the best?!
It asks that we stretch ourselves to reach the most we can give, the best we can become.
Such temptations are called… inspirations! The kind of ‘temptation’ to take into consideration during this period of Lent!

An old song translates this very powerfully. It is entitled: The Impossible Dream from the 1965 Broadway musical Man of La Mancha and is also featured in the 1972 film of the same name.

To me, it provides genuine inspiration.



The impossible dream…


The celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany are now behind us. We are moving back into ‘ordinary time’… which is NOT so ordinary! As I was reflecting on this, the melody of a well-known song came back to my mind. It is that of The Impossible Dream from the film The Man of La Mancha.

You may wonder how this happened? Well, I had just come across a short text and the link was made – naturally! This is the text:

« Christianity holds that the infinite God, in the person of Jesus, at a point in time, crossed an unimaginable borderline and personally entered history. Before such an undreamable dream the intellect falters. It was a this point that a friend gave me a clue that helped my understanding more than any measure of bare reason. He sais: ‘But love does such things’. »

Source: Text: Mark Link, s.j., He Is the still Point of the Turning World, p. 25   Pic: