During this festive season of Christmas and the New Year, we exchange good wishes, all kinds of them. Phone calls, Christmas cards, emails, messages on Messenger or Twitter – all the platforms are good If they serve our purpose: that of sending to others our wishes for their health, happiness, […]
12th Sunday of Year A – 2020
In prayer, saints of all times have said all kinds of things to God – at times surprising things! You wonder… Think of St. Philip of Neri who, with his usual sense of humour, would tell God: “Lord, beware of Philip, before the day is over he could have betrayed […]
22nd Sunday of Year B
« It is a question of perspective… » These words are sometimes spoken by someone who does not agree with a statement from somebody else. That person does not want to express disapproval outright. He, or she, does not want to manifest too bluntly a difference of opinion, or taste. But, the […]
17th Sunday of Year B
Let us say that you go to borrow from your neighbour some cooking oil to cook a dish. Does it happen often that instead of giving you the small amount you ask for, the neighbour gives you a much larger quantity? Or, if a man goes to a colleague to […]
International Day of Indigenous Peoples – 9 August
There are an estimated 370 million indigenous people in the world, living across 90 countries. They make up less than 5 per cent of the world’s population, but account for 15 per cent of the poorest. They speak an overwhelming majority of the world’s estimated 7,000 languages and represent 5,000 […]
13th Sunday of the Year, A
“FIRST THINGS FIRST”! We hear these words from time to time. They usually come from someone who has a lot to do already and to whom someone may ask to do something more… The person may feel that too many tasks demand his attention, too many commitments claim her time […]
Global Wellness Day – 10 June
What is GWD? All of us would like be healthier, to look better, and to live well both physically and spiritually. Living well is almost the entire world’s shared dream. As everything that is precious to us has been honored with a special day, why is it that we don’t […]
International Epilepsy Day – 8 February
International Epilepsy Day is marked in order to recognise that epilepsy is an illness and spread the message that people who suffer from it can be successful. It is estimated that one in every 100 people suffers from epilepsy. Despite it being a recognised neurological disorder, there is still a […]