International Civil Aviation Day – 7 December 2024

Safe Skies. Sustainable Future: Together for the next 80 years 7 December 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of the signing of the Convention on International Civil Aviation in Chicago, United States. For eight decades, this defining international agreement has served as the foundation for the development of the global civil […]

Journée mondiale de la normalisation – 14 octobre

Le 14 octobre de chaque année, se déroule la journée mondiale de la normalisation, organisée par l’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation), la CEI (Commission électrotechnique internationale) et l’UIT (Union internationale des télécommunications). Cette journée est célébrée depuis 1970. Il s’agit de marquer le travail d’élaboration des normes et leur importance. […]

World Standards Day – 14 October

Throughout the world, there is a set of standards that have been established that companies, organizations, and industries have all agreed to hold up. These standards have been established by mutual agreement between these organizations as part of their participation in the ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. It was […]

Palm Sunday, Year B

As an introduction to the celebration of Palm Sunday, we are given a choice between two gospel texts: one from Mark (11:1-10) and the other from John (12:12-16). In the shorter text from John, one verse caught my attention: “At the time, his disciples did not understand… Later… they remembered.” […]