The Alphabet of Lent – Letter G

G for GREAT The scenes of the gospel have sometimes a very contemporary aspect. We could recognize ourselves there as in a mirror. We must admit that the imperfections and the limitations of the characters can sometimes be found… in us! The following text shows it clearly: “They (Jesus and […]

29th Sunday of Year B – 2021

To render a service to someone, most of us would be ready to do so. But, to put oneself at the service of others… this is another proposition altogether! And this is precisely what the Lord asks of us! The gospel text of this Sunday (Mark 10:35-45) is quite clear […]

25th Sunday of Year B

Many of the gospel texts are well known to us – we know the stories; we know the people and the facts. We remember the parables and their message. The words of Jesus, at least many of them, echo in our memories. Yet, I wonder if, at times, some important […]