Rich, deep, and enlightening are the words I would use to describe the text of today’s 2nd reading (Ephesians 1:3-14). Paul is writing to the first Christians of Ephesus, and he has much to tell them – much about God and much about themselves. Reading again this long reflection, I […]
The Alphabet of Lent – Letter C
C for Calm Daily life often brings much to upset our plans and shake us. All that we had foreseen to do and all that suddenly comes up – this is all too much. And apart from all the activities of the moment, there are those that we must foresee. […]
5th Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2023
Someone may have chosen to live in a luxury apartment. Another person has found the ideal family house. Yet another has bought a summer residence. A friendly shack is reserved for sport activities for still another. All these locations serve as some kind of residence where rooms are available. Yet […]
4th Sunday of Easter, Year C – 2022
A theology lesson in 4 Bible verses – this is what the text of this Sunday’s gospel offers us (John 10:27-30). Such a short text and so rich is the reality it describes. This 4th Easter Sunday is known as Good Shepherd Sunday as it focuses on Jesus, the Risen […]
33rd Sunday of Year B – 2021
Every week, a new reflection appears here on the texts given to us for the Sunday celebration. Most times, the text presented refers to one of the three readings assigned for the day. Today, we will rather look at the Psalm (Ps.16:1,5,8-11) used as a response to the 1st reading. […]
18th Sunday of Year B – 2021
In the 1st reading of today’s celebration (Ex.16:2-4,12-15), we meet people greatly annoyed and showing clearly their discontent. They grumble about their situation and reproach their leader, Moses, for having taken them where they are. Their attitude is quite surprising: We would think they would rejoice at having been freed […]
29th Sunday of Year B
There are some Scripture texts which are… easy and comforting to hear, or to read. There are others which are difficult to… accept because they are quite demanding to put into practice. There are others still which are difficult to BELIEVE because it seems that… they are just too wonderful! […]