When starting his life as God’s messenger, preaching to people, at a certain moment, two men followed Jesus.Turning around, Jesus saw them, and he asked them:“What do you want?” “What are you looking for?” (John 1:38) This is THE question facing us at the beginning of this period of Lent.As […]
19th Sunday of Year C – 2022
The 2nd reading of this Sunday speaks of people and events long gone (Hebrew 11:1-2,8-19). The people involved and their experiences may seem distant and strange to us and yet… Yet, what is described in this text has a message that is very relevant to us in our own time. […]
A song… The Samaritan Woman
The story of the Samaritan woman is well known. The message of this scene remains inspiring for each and everyone. In a song, Anne Maingi, reminds us of both, the scene and the message.
24th Sunday of the Year – C
Who among us, in our childhood, has not played the enjoyable game of Hide and Seek? There was so much fun in having our friends look for us hidden in what we thought a secret place really impossible to find! But, when in fact, our companions did not find us, […]
Feast of the Epiphany, Year C
Today’s feast – the Epiphany – is often called: ‘the Feast of the Kings’ referring to the Magi. They are presented to us as being three Wise Men that legend describes as kings. If we accept this, the text of Matthew’s gospel today (Mt.2:1-12) refers to… five kings! You are […]