5th Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2023

Someone may have chosen to live in a luxury apartment. Another person has found the ideal family house. Yet another has bought a summer residence. A friendly shack is reserved for sport activities for still another. All these locations serve as some kind of residence where rooms are available. Yet […]

18th Sunday of Year C – 2019

“I have s tried everything and I could not get satisfied.” These words spoken today correspond to the experience of Qohelet (this Hebrew word refers to someone addressing an assembly, or ‘the Preacher’) described in today’s 1st reading (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23).  What did this man really want? Satisfaction from all […]

World Quality Day – 8 November

Ever picked up a product, excited to get it home, only to find out that when you open the box and put it to its intended task for the first time it just falls apart? Or called in to get technical support and you pretty much just get a set […]

Salut à l’Automne…

L’automne est là, il nous rejoint et nous invite… Salut à toi, Automne! Lumineuse saison, Glorieuse dans tes tons, Généreuse en tes dons, Offrant savoureuse moisson, Prodiguant merveilleuse satisfaction! Source: Image: sfwallpaper.com

18è dimanche de l’année B

Certains disent que l’une des caractéristiques de notre époque est le désir de gratification immédiate. On veut la satisfaction ici et maintenant – sans avoir à attendre la réalisation de nos souhaits dans un avenir incertain. Il y a sans doute un peu de vérité dans cette affirmation mais… il […]